Thursday, August 27, 2020

Flora and Fauna

| Flora and Fauna| | 10/3/2013| | Outline Australia’s one of a kind vegetation: Australia has a huge assortment of special verdure spread everywhere throughout the mainland, across the nation, remembering for the sea. More than 80 percent of the country’s blooming plants, warm blooded animals, reptiles and frogs are interesting to Australia, alongside a large portion of its freshwater fish and practically 50% of its winged creatures. Australia is home to in excess of 140 types of novel marsupials, including kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, wombats and the Tasmanian villain, which is currently discovered distinctly in Tasmania. There are 55 unique types of kangaroos and wallabies, local to Australia.Australia’s marine condition is home to 4000 fish species, 1700 coral species, 50 kinds of marine vertebrates and a wide scope of seabirds. Most marine species found in southern Australian waters happen no place else. Australia has more than 1000 types of Wattle and aroun d 2800 species in the Myrtaceae family, (gum trees and eucalypts). Depict the dangers to Australia’s verdure: Extinction Since European settlement of Australia started, barely 200 years back, 18 types of Australian warm blooded creatures and around 100 types of local plants have gotten extinct.Currently around 40 types of well evolved creatures and a large number of types of plants are undermined with termination. These figures are among the most noticeably awful on the planet. Eradication is a characteristic continuous procedure. Anyway right now most of terminations are brought about by people. We can unmistakably tell that the people are doing the harm, due to the surprisingly quick pace of termination. The current pace of annihilation in Australia is multiple times the foundation rate (normally happening pace of elimination). There are numerous things that cause eradication, a portion of these are: * Habitat misfortune Natural causes (flood, fire, dry spell) * Introduced species Picture Caption: This picture shows the emergency that Australian greenery are by and by in. In this picture the more red the district is, the more species in locale are believed to be imperiled and compromised. As should be obvious the species under the most danger dwell around the capital urban communities and the beach front locales. This is on the grounds that living space has been cleared around the capital urban areas and higher quantities of undermined species. Likewise over half of Australia is dreadful such huge numbers of plants and creatures live in beach front zones since they can't make due in focal Australia.That is additionally why we may see higher undermined species rates on the banks of Australia. Living spaces under danger: Habitat misfortune is right now the fundamental driver of species termination in Australia. The fundamental driver of territory misfortune in Australia are; farming, clearing for urban living, logging and mining. At the point when a bio logical system has been drastically changed by human exercises, it might not, at this point have the option to give the food, water and safe house all creatures need to endure. Consistently there are less places left, untamed life can call home. Most local species can't exist outside a characteristic ecosystem.Australia is one of the best ten land clearing countries on the planet. While clearing rates are beginning to decrease, we are as yet clearing more vegetation then we are planting or can regrow normally. This ceaseless pattern undermines Australia’s condition and vegetation species. What's more clearing land expands the odds of disintegration and sedimentation of conduits and decreases water quality, likewise significantly influencing our widely varied vegetation. Presented species: One of the best dangers to Australia’s Flora and Fauna is presented species. Australia has countless presented warm blooded creatures and birds.Introduced frog species, have caused el imination of numerous local species, because of a monstrous change in the food pyramid. A prime case of a creature that is extraordinarily harming Australia’s local species is the Cane frog, which was acquainted initially with decimate the unsafe stick creepy crawly. It is harming Australia’s local species, in light of the fact that bigger creatures see stick amphibians as prey and accordingly chase them. At the point when stick amphibians are ingested, a toxic poison is placed into the predator causing quick heartbeat, unreasonable salivation, expanding and in the long run demise. The creatures that regularly endure are local reptiles, snakes and crocodiles.Risk of normal perils: It isn’t just people that are making the irreversible harm Australia’s local species. An extremely little danger to our creatures is characteristic causes. These causes incorporate fire, disintegration, floods, dry season, avalanche and tornados. A considerable lot of these thin gs are an exceptionally normal event in Australia. One of the primary normal risks that Australia faces frequently is fire. A huge number of creatures passed on in the Victorian bushfire. Excluding the a huge number that must be euthanized a short time later, because of serious consumes and parchedness. Most are little, non-flying creatures that couldn't get away from the flames.Insect populaces endured the most noticeably terrible shot. Common factors generally happen at a more slow rate and thusly cause a low elimination rate. Human exercises happen at a quicker rate and cause higher eradication rates. Human exercises are generally liable for the current elimination rates. Current approach position: Different governments around Australia have different bits of enactment that ensure Australia’s greenery. The state governments are liable for the mass assurance and manageability of widely varied vegetation, while the government has little control over issues identifying with v erdure and fauna.Many rules/laws on these enactments are fundamentally the same as and have a couple of little contrasts to fit each state/territory’s needs. Anyway all enactments mean to shield every single local specie from hurt, limit the loss of environment and to forestall eradication. These kinds of verdure enactments are set up in all states/domains around Australia. A case of this kind of enactment is the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act from 1988, which was the principal Australian enactment to manage issues identifying with widely varied vegetation. The Flora and Fauna Guarantee act Victoria (1988) is intended to: * Protect species Protect hereditary material and natural surroundings, * Prevent eradication and * Allow most extreme hereditary decent variety inside the territory of Victoria. Future activity plan: There are numerous people, gatherings and governments that are impactsly affecting the territory of Australia’s widely varied vegetation. Some of which are certain and some are negative. The larger part are certain; anyway there are more advances that people, gatherings and governments could take to guarantee a more promising time to come for Australian local species. People Wildlife Tourists Wildlife the travel industry is observing wild creatures in their common habitat.Australia has a lot of natural life the travel industry because of our one of a kind widely varied vegetation species. These incorporate; kangaroos, koalas, echidnas, dingos, platypuses, wallabies and wombats. Creature the travel industry in Australia is exceptionally advantageous for the voyagers as well as for the creatures. At the point when sightseers come to Australia, they are instructed about the creatures, their territory and that it is so imperative to secure these creatures. The tourist’s perspectives and suppositions are then changed and they leave thinking about the creatures and plants, just as the significance of keeping up biodiversi ty.Secondly an extent of the income raised from the travel industry goes towards increasingly instructive activities just as protection ventures, which are helpful to all creatures. Untamed life Tourism has numerous positives and the Australian natural life the travel industry is moving the correct way, yet there are all the more exceptionally significant advances that should be taken by the Australian the travel industry, to ensure widely varied vegetation. When building settlement for sightseers, animal’s homes and natural surroundings are frequently wrecked, making aggravation creatures and prompting expanded vulnerability.As clarified before living space misfortune is one of the significant reasons for termination and ought to be limited however much as could reasonably be expected. Rather convenience ought to be developed away from animal’s natural surroundings, where it doesn't influence them to an extreme. Also stricter guidelines ought to be set up to forestall the taking care of creatures by vacationers. Taking care of natural life by voyagers can have extreme ramifications for social standards of conduct. Fake taking care of can likewise bring about a total loss of typical taking care of practices. When taking care of creatures stops a few creatures can't find their characteristic food sources. HuntersHunting is the act of seeking after any living thing, generally natural life or non domesticated creatures, by people for food, amusement, or exchange. In spite of the fact that chasing isn't exceptionally regular in Australia, it is as yet bigly affecting Australia’s widely varied vegetation. Chasing is seen by some as useful for the earth just as verdure, since it holds non domesticated bugs under control and gives local creatures a possibility. Most of creatures chased, are wild. These incorporate non-local creatures, for example, hares, bunnies, non domesticated goats, pigs, bison, non domesticated jackasses, ponies and camels, which have been demonstrated to jeopardize our local animals.Also the duties from chasing exercises go to the state or central governments for such purposes, for example, improving natural life living space and overseeing and keeping up national parks. These things are helpful, anyway it is very clear, on account of chasing the negatives exceed the positives. The principle reason is trackers are just permitted to seek after explicit species. A few tree huggers contend that chasing makes an awkwardness in the common components of nature. For example, if a creature that is commonly a predator is pursued to bring down numbers, their prey will increment in number.Nature has a sensitive equalization and chasing can affect that normal parity. Adversaries to chasing guarantee that creatures have their own particular manners of populace control and people are not expected to help that procedure. Gatherings WIRES are the larges

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Learn How to Write an Essay by Learning How to Write an Outline

Learn How to Write an Essay by Learning How to Write an OutlineIf you're anything like me, writing an essay is the last thing on your mind when learning how to write an essay. You read through a ton of material and either forget what you just read or don't want to bother remembering it. This often means that your essay is woefully lacking in content. Because it's all memory-based, an essay written this way will never impress anyone but yourself.But no matter how badly you might wish that you could remember everything about a topic, the chances are that you can't. It's very important to understand that when you're writing an essay, you should only think about things that are very important to you. This means you need to start with something personal. Take a minute and figure out what it is that makes you feel happy and satisfied.To begin, you need to develop a great study habit. The reason that people tend to flounder through their studies is because they don't get enough time. By spe nding a little bit of time every day working on research papers and reading through essays, you'll begin to become more efficient at what you do.Also, in order to produce a good essay, you have to begin by writing an outline. How does this work? A good outline helps you develop your thoughts and lays out a framework for the essay. It makes it easier to write because you have a sense of order to your thoughts.A good outline also allows you to organize your thoughts. For example, you may be trying to write an essay about a particular event in history. By outlining the event and including a few key details, you'll be able to flow better and see things from a different perspective.Ofcourse, you'll always want to keep a good outline in the back of your mind to fall back on if you run into any trouble. But you don't necessarily have to make it a part of your everyday life. It's possible to do without one while still writing an impressive essay.One of the best ways to develop a solid outli ne for an essay is to read as much as you can. This doesn't mean you need to jump right into the article. In fact, it's better to hold back a bit until you feel as though you have some idea of how to write an essay. Once you know a few key points, you can use this information to help you come up with an outline.Finally, when writing an essay, writing the first draft is a great way to get a feel for how it should go. Don't be afraid to change and tweak the first draft in order to fix any problems you find along the way. Just make sure you continue to read a lot of materials in order to become familiar with the subject at hand. After all, if you've read it all before, you know how to write an essay.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Example English Essay Writing Tips

Example English Essay Writing TipsWhen you are looking for example English essay writing tips, make sure you understand the concepts before committing to write. Although many people think that it's easy to write an essay, there are still those who have trouble figuring out what to write about and how to make their writing clear and concise. There are many different techniques for making your essay a success, but if you want to make your writing excellent, you need to do your research first.The internet is full of examples and guides for writing an example English essay. You can search for information at any time of the day, but there are also books, magazines, and even newspapers that will provide you with examples for writing the essay. Take advantage of the different resources so that you can make your writing better.You should be careful when reading this kind of essay because you can't tell which one is a sample. Because the writers use different English styles, the author is try ing to give you examples of writing. It's hard to tell which one is good because these examples are often in a different style than most people use.This may sound difficult, but you can take a look at these examples to find out more about the common essay structure. Use the examples to determine what kind of essay to create. The following example is a great guide for creating a short composition about the automobile industry.Start by writing down a few sentences about the automobile industry. What is the automobile industry? You need to know this information before you go to write the examples.If you decide to use an example English essay, it is important to find a good example that is suitable for your class. Your class or professor can help you locate a good example if you ask. However, you need to be careful because some students tend to get into the class too quickly.Using examples in the middle of a lesson is a big mistake. Sometimes the examples are too technical and they're n ot very helpful. They are like jumping from one subject to another in the course, which is not a good idea.Other times the essay can include a lot of unnecessary information. If your students are taking too long to read the essay, you may need to rewrite it to make it easier to read. Using examples and essay writing tips will help you create an excellent essay, but if you don't get the information right, it will be easy to lose your students' attention.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Taming Of The Shrew - 902 Words

The Taming of the Shrew/The Good and the Badde Essay Women in the era of Queen Elizabeth I were often portrayed through stereotypes such as, â€Å"The Good and the Badde† by Nicholas Breton. In this work women have desired traits such as loyalty, obedience, and innocence. Undesirable traits would be just the opposite, disobedience, raunchiness, treachery, loudness, and being outspoken. The play, â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† by William Shakespeare, plays heavily to these stereotypes with the two female main characters; Bianca and Kate. Whereas Kate plays the Un-quiet one in the beginning, but transitions to more of a quiet one or the good wife while Bianca plays The Virgin. The play s beginning shows both female characters and their†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœTwas a fault unwilling†(IV.i.158). Although she is still disobeying Petruchio it is showing that she is developing traits such as compassion, patience, and she even says please. This is contrary t o how her character in the beginning with always quick to violence but as you can see she is against it. The next change seen in Kate is how obedient she has become when Petruchio and her are heading to Bianca’s wedding. Petruchio says that the moon is out, when in actuality it is daytime. Petruchio and Kate have a brief disagreement until she finally rolls over and says â€Å"Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please. An if you please to call it a rush candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me†(IV.iv.206). This shows that she is obedient and even if what Petruchio is saying is completely false she will obey and agree. Kate shows change in a way where she is innocent but obedient, before Petruchio enter the wedding party for Bianca, and right as they are about to enter Petruchio asks for a kiss. Kate denies him this because she has become modest and innocent which is a major change from the start, but shows obedience when she gives in and kisses him,†Nay, I will give thee a kiss. (kisses him) Now pray thee, love, stay,†(V.i.228). Shakespeare shows the audience a major change for Bianca when she is having banter with her guests and says,†Am I your bird? I mean toShow MoreRelatedThe Taming Of The Shrew1180 Words   |  5 PagesDuring the 1600s, William Shakespeare wrote the play The Taming of the Shrew. This play has been well-known throughout the ages. The play has been adapted into film and the two most popular version of it are The Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You. The movie The Taming of the Shrew was released in 1967, while the newer version came out as, 10 Things I Hate About You which was released in 1999. Even though these two variations are based off the same play they have many similaritiesRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1132 Words   |  5 PagesIn order for two comparative texts to develop ones understanding of shared themes and ideas they must over come the boundaries of differing contexts and explore the strong parallels between them. Shakespeare’s play â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew† (1590-1592) was composed during the Elizabethan era in contrast to Gil Junger’s â€Å"10 Things I Hate About You† (1999) set around 1990s America. Although the diverse time periods their correlating plots are indicators of appropriation and pronounce an intertextualRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew916 Words   |  4 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew was written somewhere between 1592 and 1594 (Bevington 2). Taming of the Shrew’s titular theme is Petruchio â€Å"taming† his shrewish wife, Katharina, which was a common theme for plays during Elizabethan England. However, the play delves so much deeper into their relationship than just focusing on a male’s forced submission of a female. In fact, The Taming of the Shrew offers a sophisticated opinion on how a married couple should interact. Petruchio’s grand scheme of how he willRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1723 Words   |  7 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare is a rich play for interpretation mainly because of its controversial content, due to the of power dynamics of Petruchio and Katharina. I chose to stage The Taming of the Shrew because I found the storyline engaging and I felt that the play would be able to be staged nontraditionally while continuing to retain its storyline and original language. For my production I would like Katharina and Petruchio to be in their late teens around 16 to 19 years oldRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1313 Words   |  6 PagesThe Taming of the Shrew is a comedy/love story written by Shakespeare between 1590 and 1592. However, in the current era with new beliefs of men and women’s roles, The Taming of The Shrew is seen as pure misogyny. The plot of the play follows the idea that Bianca, the youngest daughter, is a beautiful young girl with lots of male attention and is eager to wed, though her wealthy father will not allow it until her older hot-tempered sister also has a suitor. Many modern films has been made on thisRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1322 Words   |  6 PagesIn Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew, the main character, Katharina Minola is portrayed as a shrew. Her behavior emanated from the fact that a father who treated her with indifference raised her and there was a lack of a motherly influence in her li fe. â€Å"Shakespeare sketches her character with a depth the typical shrew lacks† (â€Å"The Taming and Comic Tradition† 1) so her behavior is a defense mechanism used to protect herself from rejection. Katharina â€Å"is aggressive and belligerent, butRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew934 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew introduces the audience to the Elizabethan era. The mindset of the people in this era might be hard to grasp for the modern reader. The demeaning treatment and subsequent submission of women is a constant theme in the play. During this era, women were meant to obedient, submissive, and compliant to their husband. Katherine Minola, the daughter of Baptista defies society’s standards and is known for her outspokenness and thus labeled a â€Å"shrew.† Due to her aggressiveRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew Essay980 Words   |  4 PagesKatharina, also known as Kate, is the main protagonist and her fiery personality is the focal point of the Shakespeare play, â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†. Her outspoken and quick-witted disposition is at odds with polite society thus earning her the offensive moniker ‘Shrew’, which essentially means a bad-tempered despicable old hag. Contrary to belief, she is, for the most part, an opinionated woman who has the courage to speak those opinions loudly to men that would prefer she’d be quiet. ThroughoutRead MoreTaming of the Shrew866 Words   |  4 PagesTaming of the shrew The Taming of the shrew was just one of William Shakespeares 4 great comedies. Taming of the shrew is based on a king named Baptista who had two daughters named Katherina and Bianca. Both daughters had arranged marriages by there father. Since Katherina was older she had to get married first. Her father chose Petruchio for her to marry. Katherina did not want to get married to Pertuchio, but Katherina did not have a choice. Katherina was very disobedient at the begging ofRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew1023 Words   |  5 PagesKristine Lieu Mr. Smith English 2, Period 1 02 March 2016 The Taming of the Shrew Introduction What happens when two fouled tongue and short tempered human beings gets married and try to get dominate each other? In the play, The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, the shrew, Katherine is compelled to marry the severe Petruchio, whose ravenousness for Katherine s settlement is coordinated just by his nonchalance for her contentious mentality. To start with, Katherine is unwilling to comply

Friday, May 15, 2020

Documenting Clinical Findings - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 711 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Describe the specific ways of documenting clinical findings from a female breast examination. Include the ten characteristics and explain each one using the guidelines from the Normal Range of Findings in Jarvis (2016), p. 400. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Documenting Clinical Findings" essay for you Create order Why is this documentation important? During female breast examination, the following findings must be documented: patients concerns which includes health history questions regarding family history, age, actual and perceived risk, and reproductive history. Findings on amount of pain if any, presence of lump, nipple discharge, and rashes around the breast, any swelling, dimpling, nipple changes, and venous pattern. Third, a plan of action should be documented indicating the following steps for the normal or abnormal results. In case of abnormal results, any referrals that have been made should be included in the document. Patient education plan, which includes stressing the importance of adherence in, follow up, emphasis on rescreening, and breast self-exam must then be documented. The final step is to document results notification with details of the tests and procedures undertaken. Electronic documentation is most appropriate for clinical findings from a female breast examination since storing information electronically makes it easily accessible especially if needed urgently. The document should clearly indicate the person who documented the data. It should be legible meaning that it should be readable and with identified signatures. The information should be contemporaneous meaning that it should be documented in a timely manner and any delays should be justified. The document should be original or the investigator should have original source document. The information should be accurate, and be factual. The document should demonstrate the necessary attributes consistently. The information should be credible by being based on reliable and real facts. The document should be easily accessible, available and retrievable for review if need be. Moreover, the document should be complete. It is important to document clinical findings such information is useful in determining treatment in case of any abnormalities. Moreover, good documentation on clinical findings is useful in referrals in case of later abnormalities on female breasts. What are abnormal clinical findings on a male breast exam? On a male breast exam, the following abnormal clinical findings may be identified: Breast lump or mass which is painless , enlarged lymph nodes especially under arms or around the collar bone , enlarged liver, rare nipple discharge or bleeding , irritation of the nipple, or ulcerated nipple. What breast self-examination (BSE) education would you provide utilizing evidence-based practice guidelines? Based on information from the National Cancer Institute and from American Cancer Society, a monthly breast self-exam is recommended for breast cancer’s early detection. Women should look for changes in their breasts and if there is any, they should consult doctors. However, it is also very important for women to seek other screening practices such as mammograms in early detection of breast cancer for effective treatment. Explain the importance of teaching testicular self-examination (TSE) as health promotion during assessment. Include the ages of the males TSE should be taught. Cancer of testes is relatively uncommon. However, it is a potentially fatal condition. Early diagnosis improve prognosis of its victims. Testicular self-examination is useful in early detection of a tumor that is associated with testicular cancer. It is therefore important to educate people on how to perform testicular self-examination during assessment in order to promote health especially for potential victims. Early detection of tumor in testes is associated with higher rates of treatment success that late detection. Moreover, testicular is the commonest malignancy in young men, and therefore, it is necessary to educate men aged 20 to 35 years on techniques for self- examination with an aim of early detection for effective treatment. According to American Nurses Association on standards of practice, it is the duty of nurses to teach people about health with a purpose of health promotion. Enlightening men on testicular self-examination will help in early detection of testicular cancer linked to effective treatment promoting health in the society. Although Sam and David have been able to make huge steps towards surviving with testicular cancer, many people have died from the diseases yet the death could have been avoided with earlier detection. It is thus important to educate males of testicular self-examination for early detection to increase the chances of survival as in the case of the two survivors.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thesis Statement Christianity Is Superior to Judaism

Judaism vs. Christianity Name Thesis Statement: Christian Religion is superior to Judaism because the author of the faith, Jesus is superior to the angels, founding fathers, and religious institutions within the doctrine of Judaism. Introduction Jesus represents different views in relation to the doctrine of Christianity and Judaism. According to Christianity doctrine, Jesus Christ represents the Son of God who came to deliver man from manifestation of sins. Jesus Christ is one with the creator in relation to the teachings of Christianity. He is the Messiah whom founding fathers of Judaism proclaimed would come to wash away the sins of humanity. According to Judaism, Jesus represents a false Messiah playing a secondary role to the founding fathers of the faith and religious institutions. According to the gospel by John, Jesus was there at the beginning in the form of the word. Jesus was with God and considered Creator (God). In understanding the relationship of Jesus and humanity, it is crucial to determine both divine and fully human nature of the Son of God. As the Son of Man, Jesus was born of Mary and Joseph. These represent his human roots in the process of delivering human beings from their sins. As the Son of God, he represents one of the trinity beliefs within the teachings of Christianity. Through his ordeal with humankind, Jesus adopts both identities to reveal himself. These identities allow Jesus Christ to appear as the Messiah, Savior, Healer, Friend, SonShow MoreRelatedWorld History AP8768 Words   |  36 Pagesto integrate their respective domains militarily and commercially. †¢ Both invoked supernatural sanctions to support their rule. Both absorbed foreign religious traditions, though the process unfolded somewhat differently. In the case of Rome, Christianity was born as a small sect of a small province in a remote corner of the empire. †¢ From there, it spread slowly for several centuries, mostly among the poor and lower classes, suffering from intermittent persecution. In the fourth century c.e.,Read MoreThe Bible: The Word of God2055 Words   |  9 PagesThe Bible, sacred book of Christianity, it includes collections of ancient writings, which are split into two sections referred to as the old (Hebrew Bible ) and the new testament. It is said to be the most influential book in western history, as we owe our culture and moral compass to it. Historically the Bible has been seen as authoritative, as it is believed to be the infallible ‘word of God’, as writers were divinely inspired. However divisions about interpretations can be seen historicallyRead MoreSociology and Other Sciences7090 Words   |  29 Pagesdefinition that became pivotal to the study of modern Western political science. His analysis of bureaucracy in his Economy and Society is still central to the modern study of organizatio ns. His most known contributions are often referred to as the Weber Thesis. He was the first to recognize several diverse aspects of social authority, which he respectively categorized according to their charismatic, traditional, and legal forms. His analysis of bureaucracy thus noted that modern state institutions areRead MoreWorld s Most Culturally Diverse And Religiously Open Empire4967 Words   |  20 PagesACHAEMENID PERSIAN EMPIRE The Achaemenid Empire existed from 559 BC to 330 BC, and was considered the world’s most culturally diverse and religiously open empire in history. The author’s thesis of this chapter is mainly about how tolerance is pivotal in the rise and eventual fall of an empire. She argues that the willingness of the leaders to accept each culture led to great things, like fewer rebellions, but it also caused the lack of each group to have a common language, religion, or interestRead MoreIslamic Way of warfare23558 Words   |  95 PagesDEFINING ISLAMIC WAY OF WARFARE AND ITS COMPARISON WITH AL QAEDA DOCTRINE A thesis presented to the Faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE Military History by MAJOR INTEKHAB HAIDER KHAN, BANGLADESH ARMY M.S., Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2011 Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 2012-01 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. REPORTRead MoreResearch Paradigm14392 Words   |  58 Pagestogether because of differences in the worldviews or philosophies associated with the two approaches. This either-or position (i.e.,one must use quantitative or qualitative research but not both) is called the incompatibility thesis. The problem with the incompatibility thesis is its failure to recognize that creative and thoughtful mixing of assumptions, ideas, and methods can be very helpful and offers a third paradigm.The mixing of ideas and approaches has been present throughout history becauseRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pages However, I am afï ¬ rming that, even without these structures, Rastafari has carved out a niche for itself and has become embedded in the social and cultural fabric of Jamaican society; it thus ought to be considered entrenched or routinized. My thesis is that the entrenchment of Rastafari in Jamaica is made evident by three factors: (1) the internal development of the movement, (2) the gradual rapprochement between the movement and the wider society, and (3) the impact of Rastafari on the evolution

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SOP for admission to M.S. in Supply chain Management †Free Sample

Question: Describe SOP for admission to M.S. in Supply chain Management? Answer: I am basically applying for admission to M.S in supply chain management program. Supply chain management is one of the prolific and widely introduced careers prospective which actually builds and helps to see through the major objectives and goals of the students. M.S in supply chain management will help me to boost my confidence and let me helps to know the competitive factors and performance of a business concern. Basically am very much interested in the major factors and prospects that prolifically affects the basic competitive performance of a major business concern and the basic manner in which the technology changes affect the organizational structure, organizational strategy, long term business perspective, manufacturing, supply chains, distribution network, supply chains and the standardized systems. Just to be aware of all the related issues and to gain a prolific knowledge and degree I opted for this major course as my career development objective. Getting Tired of Never-Ending Assignments? Hire an Expert from MyAssignmenthelp and Get the Necessary Assignment Help at a Reasonable Rate. I prolifically believe that my background in engineering had prepared me for such a career. I have always been fond of research since my engineering days, where I performed consistently well and the best in the final year of under-graduate dissertation and was prolifically judged to have presented the best paper at a departmental seminar (Lorensen, 1992). My four major years of my bachelors degree with industrial engineering education from the GITAM have strongly provided me with a very strong grounding in the major subjects. It has provided me the major theoretical aspects of technology. I completed my bachelors degree from GITAM University with first class. My performance in bachelors degree has given me valuable insights and I really want to take up this course as a priority basis and a very important prospect of my career. No wonder now-a-days supply chain management has already become a prolific key component of major business strategy and main factor in cost optimization too. The Supply chain management will help source down major resources that are needed for an organization and am very much keen on taking up the prolific role by taking up the M.S in Supply chain management. It has always been my desire since my under-graduate days to be a sheer professional in the supply chain management field. To pursue this professional degree I have also applied in major Universities in U.S for the admission to M.S in supply chain management. I really want to pursue the degree of M.S in supply chain management from a well known dignified University of U.S. It will actually help to expand my knowledge of supply chain management from the professors which will directly help me to grow prolifically big in this field by which I can further research and help the organization that I will be working with (Stewart and Golbin, 1988). This degree will also make me a specialist in Supply chain management and I hope I will be quite capable enough in helping my fellow beings. I hope that the admissions committee finds my backgrounds and basic strengths commensurate for the major requirements of M.S program in Supply chain management. References Lorensen, L. (1992).Illustrations of the disclosure by financial institutions of certain information about debt securities held as assets. New York, N.Y.: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Stewart, W. and Golbin, J. (1988).Fifteen month planning and evaluation report of the "Special Offender Program" (SOP) in Suffolk County. Suffolk County, N.Y.: Suffolk County Dept. of Probation.