Sunday, February 23, 2020

JRN WEEK3 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

JRN WEEK3 - Coursework Example There are many individuals who have no idea of what global warming is and how to prevent it. The media only focus on natural disasters when they happen and offer no assistance in terms of knowledge. Dr. Martin Patchen challenges the media to provide more comprehensive coverage on social issues, and global warming should be prioritized. Since the media reaches millions of viewers, it can educate people on how ways to combat global warming. Global warming is to blame for the natural disasters that are rocking our world today, for example, the floods that have devastated the city of Houston, Texas in the United States. The media does not tend to long-term issues they instead tend to focus on short-term problems so they can move on to other stories. Global warming is real and they sooner the media realize it, they can take it upon themselves to educate the general public. People tend to remember the effects of global warming when disaster strikes. Patiently waiting for others to handle global warming is a misguided conception, and each person has the responsibility of reduce the risks of global warming. Some of the activities that can decrease the risk of global warming include pla nting trees and decreasing the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon

Friday, February 7, 2020

Contextual Analysis Essay about The Vietnam in Me

Contextual Analysis about The Vietnam in Me - Essay Example Throughout the narrative, readers are introduced to O’Brien’s lingering feelings of intense despair and sorrow over the fact that the most horrid experience of his life was due to his own personal need to find and secure love. This contextual analysis will analyze how O’Brien used his trip back to Vietnam to discover what imprint his war experience truly left on his heart and if he could ever learn to trust love again. In order to establish the connection between love and Vietnam, this analysis will center on O’Brien’s views on his war experience and their impact on his personal life, his driving need to seek out love and how the guilt over his desire for love led to his contributions as a soldier in Vietnam and continually destroy the author’s chances for true happiness. In beginning this contextual analysis, the first area to analyze is how O’Brien viewed his time as a soldier in Vietnam and how this experience impacted his life. As he began his narrative, O’Brien sets an immediate tone for how he felt about his time in Vietnam. â€Å"On Gator, we used to say, the wind doesn’t blow, it sucks. Maybe that’s what happened - the wind sucked it all away. My life, my virtue† (1). Although O’Brien has obvious despair over the events that unfolded during his time in Vietnam, he was not alone in these feelings. Despite the over two million men who were forcibly deployed to Vietnam through the draft, as well as those who voluntarily enlisted, American society forgot their efforts to further democracy as these men were essentially treated as outcasts upon their return. According to Harvard Sitikoff in â€Å"The Postwar Impact of Vietnam,† the after effects of fighting in Vietnam were more dangerous than being i n the war itself. â€Å"Although most veterans did succeed in making the transition to ordinary civilian life, many did not. More Vietnam veterans committed suicide after the war than had died in it. Even more - perhaps three-quarters